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HIST 333: Age of Totalitarianism

Metropolis Movie Poster

Fall 2015

Class Time & Place:
MWF, ST 129, 12:00 - 12:50

Instructor: Dr. A. Timm
Telephone: (403) 220-6411
Office: SS 630
Office Hours: Tues 11-noon, and Wed 2-4 pm.

Teaching Assistant: Shawn Brackett
Tel.: (403) 220-8710
Office Hours: Thurs. 2-3 pm (start date TBA)

Course Description:
This course will take a comparative, thematic approach to the major political and social developments in twentieth-century Europe. We will focus on the rise of totalitarian regimes in Germany, Italy and the Soviet Union, concentrating on the themes of violence, surveillance, consensus-building, and socio-cultural change. We will examine the impact of the two World Wars on politics and society in Europe, the reactions to cultural upheaval, and the various strategies and ideologies of dictatorial power. We will conclude with a discussion of the demise of totalitarian regimes in Europe in the context of a brief outline of the Cold War.