University of Calgary
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Useful Writing Links


Links on Essay Structure

Developing an Outline, Purdue University
The Structure of an the Essay Outline, University of Victoria Online Writing Lab
The paragraph, Purdue University
Paragraphs and Topic Sentences, University of Indiana
Writing a Thesis Statement, Purdue University

Links on Specific Grammar Issues

Using Pronouns Clearly
Sequence of Tenses

Using Quotations
Writing Good Paragraphs, William Strunk, The Elements of Style, 1918 (Old, but not out of date!)
Compound Sentences
Composite Sentences

Links on Historical Argument and Specific History Assignments

Reading, Writing, and Researching for History: A Guide for College Students, Patrick Rael, Bowdoin College
"Writing about History," Prof. Elspeth H. Brown, University of Toronto
Tips on Writing History Papers, Prof. Elspeth Brown, University of Toronto
"Penning the Past," Alyssa Lodewick, Dept. of History, Brown University
Book Review Advice, University of Toronto

Dr. A. Timm's "How to do a Book Review" Handout

Position Papers
Position Paper Definition - Wikipedia
Easy Steps to Write a Position Paper
Writing a Position Paper (SFU)
Writing a Position Paper (Rutgers)

Links on Punctuation

Using Hyphens
The Apostrophe

Links on Style

Active and Passive Voice
Strategies for Improving Sentence Clarity
Editing and Proofreading Strategies for Revision
Transitional Words

Links on Avoiding Plagiarism

26 points to avoid Plagiarism
(some more geared to articles in the sciences, but still very useful)
University of Toronto, "How not to Plagiarize" 
Georgetown University, "What is Plagiarism?"
University of Alberta, "Guide to Plagiarism and Cyber-Plagiarism" (recommended on University of Calgary's Graduate Studies web site)
Graduate Honor System, Virginia Tech
Peter Charles Hoffer, "Reflections on Plagiarism–Part 1: 'A Guide for the Perplexed'." 

General Writing Sites (links will open in separate window)

Univ. of Calgary Department of History Essay Guide
Chicago Manual of Style Citation Format (most often used by historians)
University of St. Thomas explanation of Chicago Style
A brief citation guide for internet sources in history and the humanities, H-Net
Guide to Grammar and Style, Jack Lynch, Rutgers University